Child Game
"Child Game" is an engaging and educational ABC learning game designed specifically for children. This project demonstrates my proficiency in Unity and C#, as well as my dedication to creating interactive and immersive experiences for young learners.
The game provides a fun and interactive platform for children to learn and familiarize themselves with the alphabet. Through captivating gameplay mechanics and visually appealing elements, children can develop their language skills while having an enjoyable experience.
On this portfolio page, you will find screenshots and videos showcasing the gameplay and visual design of the "Child Game". These visuals provide a glimpse into the game's vibrant and child-friendly interface.
As the sole developer of this project, I took on the responsibility of designing and implementing the game mechanics, graphics, and audio elements. By incorporating my knowledge of Unity and C#, I ensured smooth gameplay and an engaging user experience.
This project highlights my ability to create educational and entertaining games, utilizing interactive features to promote learning in an enjoyable way. The "Child Game" serves as a testament to my creativity, problem-solving skills, and commitment to creating impactful experiences for young learners.
Child game home page image Child game menu page image Child game match page image Child game explain page image